Sunday, July 24, 2011

Break time

We had to take a LOT of breaks today mostly at the top of every hill after about 10am. There was always someboday selling water sometimes free and gatorade. I drank about 7 gatorades and 7 more water bottles. We couldn't get enough liquid. Around 1pm we stopped for lunch and kept looking at each other like what in the heck did we sign up for this for. Our butts were and we found muscles we didn't know we had. Quitting is not an option but it did cross our minds. Then jacob saw a sign for homemade ice cream a mile ahead and we got a second wind. It was me who was giving Jacob encouragement the first half and when while eating that ice cream I gave him a big hug and kiss on the forehead and told him how proud I was of him. Then it was Jacob encouraging me to get into town. 5 more miles can do it. Today we rode 62 miles climbed 4000 feet and actually rode the bike 6 and a half hours. We got into town at 530 nearly 11 hours after we started. Jacob said it right. Dad we really acomplished something today. Tomorrow is basically the same mileage and hills then it flattens out.

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